The web map is an Internet-based Geographic Information System (GIS). A GIS combines geographic data about the community such as tax parcels, water features, and aerial photographs with tools to visualize, query, and map these features. It also provides a palate of tools that provide the ability to explore the data.
This web map has been developed with HTML and JavaScript and utilizes Esri technology to serve map features and attributes for viewing and analysis.
Drawing Times - Please note that some map layers are very large and rather complex to process and display via the Internet. Drawing time (refresh time) between processes may be slower when viewing a large number of map layers all at once, including aerial photographs.
Scale Dependent Map Layers - Some map layers will only display when the user is zoomed in to a small geographic area (less than 5-10 square miles). Tax parcels and aerial photographs are two such scale-dependent map layers. This is done to ensure speedy display of the map when panning across the map window, and to reduce map clutter.
Map Tools - Find navigation and zoom tools here. Also present are links to Google and Bing map views
Map Contents - Find the means to alter the look of the basemap, layers, and legend here. This is also where exporting/printing the map is done.
Scale Bar - A dynamically changing scale bar is present to give a spatial reference to distance and map extent.
Content Panel - This is where the majority of the query tools and search option are found. Results from queries are found in the pane as well.
Enter Full Screen - This button opens the map up to take up the entire screen. the Content Panel is completely hidden. To revert to the web map page, hit the Full Screen button again.